PLL History
Phi Lambda Lambda Chapter, located in Jacksonville, North Carolina, was chartered on 10 September 2004,as the 93rd chapter established in the illustrious Sixth District of the Omega Psi Phi Fraternity,Inc. Brother Antonio Coors, past District officer, conducted the ceremony at 1900 hours at Sandy Run Missionary Baptist Church with 14 charter members in attendance. Nicknamed the “Semper Fi”or“Devil Dog Ques”,Phi Lambda Lambda is composed of mostly active duty and veteran Marine Corps and Navy service members currently stationed at or retired from Camp Lejeune Marine Corps Base. Phi Lambda Lambda currently has 31 financial members supporting Onslow County and the surrounding cities of Richlands, Hubert, and Swansboro.
During the late 1980s and early 1990s, local Brothers maintained financial membership with Kappa Rho Chapter located in Clinton, North Carolina, approximately 90 miles away. As a result of logistical hardship, the Jacksonville members were granted permission by past Basileus Thomas D. Sampson to conduct mandated programs, fundraisers and membership selection as an “Area Chapter” under Kappa Rho oversight. Military members initiated at Kappa Rho in Jacksonville frequently transferred out of the area after completion of their service obligation,which led to a lack of continuity within the area chapter and made sustaining annual requirements difficult. Upon unification of local graduate members with the transitioning military members, the Brothers of Jacksonville successfully campaigned for and were granted a charter by the International Supreme Council. Those military members that remained in the area now make up the bulk of the membership within Phi Lambda Lambda Chapter.
Under the leadership of Brother Jacob Evans,the chapter’s first Basileus, Phi Lambda Lambda began its march into Omega history. The initial meeting to conceptualize the purpose and establish the mission statement was held on 15 November 2004 at the Law Office of Brother Ernie Wright, also the chapter’s first Keeper of Records and Seal. The first formal meeting was held 14 December 2004 in the Fellowship Hall of Sandy Run Missionary Baptist Church. During this meeting,chapter officers were elected and five committee chairmen selected. Four years later, on Saturday,20 December 2008,Brother Willie C. Johnson became the first member initiated through the Membership Selection process for Phi Lambda Lambda Chapter.
During the first several years, Phi Lambda Lambda became an active member of the NAACP and established annual programs which include a Scholarship Fund, Blood Drive, Talent Hunt Contest, Achievement Week Program, and several fundraising activities.In addition, Phi Lambda Lambda embraced the true Omega spirit by aggressively supporting other chapters in the Eastern North Carolina area. Our Brothers continue to work hard to serve and uplift the community through established and some newly added programs including: adopt-a-highway, voter registration, A-plus for Diabetes walk, adopt-a-school, and youth mentoring. As a result of its numerous acts of community service and volunteerism, Phi Lambda Lambda was awarded a Proclamation from the city of Jacksonville, N.C., by Mayor Jan B. Slagle, proclaiming 20 February2007,as “OMEGA PSI PHI FRATERNITY DAY”.
Similar to the founding of our beloved fraternity,the chartering of Phi Lambda Lambda Chapter is forever linked to those brave servicemen serving in the military during time of war. The Omega men of Phi Lambda Lambda continue to serve the nation in the Global War on Terrorism as well as social injustices and inequalities within the community in which they live.
Bro. Walter Brinkley Sr. | Mu Psi 74
Bro. Louis Colter III | Kappa Rho 04
Bro. Randy Green (Omega Chapter) | Epsilon Gamma 71
Bro. Samuel Jones Jr. (Omega Chapter) | Kappa Rho 02
Bro. LeCarlos Humphrey | Kappa Rho 04
Bro. Robert Lakin Jr. | Kappa Rho 04
Bro. Kendrick L. Rogers | Kappa Rho 98
Bro. Melvin T. Wooding Jr. | Kappa Rho 02
Bro. Ernest J. Wright (Omega Chapter) | Alpha 73
Bro. Marion Wigfall | Kappa Rho 02
Bro. Latarrance Young Sr. | Kappa Rho 02
Bro. Jacob Evans Jr. | Eta Omicron 90
Bro. Ronald M. Williams | Kappa Rho 02
Bro. Wayne Cox | Kappa Rho 02